Beginning of F/ALL Residencies (work in progress)
Thu, Sep 24
Niels Kuiters, Leela May Stokholm

Time & Location
Sep 24, 2020, 7:00 PM
HW10, Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, 1064 GW Amsterdam, Netherlands
About the Event
Niel Kuiters
Time is Movement.
Without movement time can not exist.
If the planets would stop revolving around the Sun and the Earth would seize to rotate, time would come to a halt.
So, if movement dictates time: How can I as a performer move and manipulate time?
Ocean in me
Leela May Stokholm
They say that the water is coming. So I looked it up. If the dikes break, my house (in this street, in this city, in this country under sea level) will be three meters underwater.
I need to build an arc.
But how to do that, when I am just a drop in this ocean called life?
Ocean in me is a research on how to see the performance itself as an arc. To move us out of a place of avoidance/ overwhelm/ drowning, into a place of connected presence. To unpeel the layers of the complex into a place of playful wonder. Letting myths, music and poetry come with new possible answers.
Text, music, movement, performance: Leela May Stokholm
Advice: Anne van Dorp
Music advice: Channah van t Riet & Brechtje van Dijk
Text advice: Chris Lomans & Marieke Polderdijk
Thanks to an ocean of people who have supported, helped, inspired and became part of this journey!